Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Have you ever thought what exactly anger is?? Why does it arise??
Anger is nothing but a brief madness.

A matchstick when striked against a the box bursts into flame. Aren't we, at times, behaving in a same manner? Something goes wrong with us and we start yelling.

As per experts, anger could adversely affect our work efficiency, digestive system, cholestrol levels, and can cause hypertension, sinus, and heart problems.

Some ways to supress anger are:

Handling situations maturely.
Many a times we allow small things to over power us. We easily lose our temper over superficial matters. Patience will help us deal with the situations in a constructive manner.

Self analysis.
Whenever something angers you, findout the reason that made you lose your temper.

Delayed Reaction.
Whenever you get a feeling that other person's behaviour could ignite your anger, either move out of the place or change the topic. Never react immediately. After sometime when your anger subsides than respond to the situation.

Aristotle said: "It is very easy for anybody to get angry. But getting angry at right time, in right degre, at the right person, for a right reason, and in the right manner in neither easy nor is it everbody's scope"


  1. Well, as you quoted in the end, anger is not that bad always. Sometimes its required to yell to make you listen. Also, counting downwards is best way to handle it. 10-1 works for me. Nice post though.

  2. Gud one ya... I say that u r the right person to write this.. I have seen you couple of times when u r in anger...
